Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to Prepare Your Child for a Dental Visit

Visiting the dentist for the first time can be a scary experience for children. To help ease anxiety, you can help your child prepare for a dental visit by: brushing teeth regularly, checking your child’s mouth daily, reading books about dental care to your child, being patient and reassuring with your child, talking with your children about what to expect at dental check-ups, deciding whether or not to see a pediatric dentist, calling the dentist in advance to have your questions answered, visiting the dentist’s office before the appointment, preparing your kids for short dental visits, asking your dentist to tell your children what to expect at future visits, informing your child of possible treatments. Good dental habits are formed by creating a favorable dental experience for your child. You can do this by preparing your child for a dental visit. Here are helpful ways to get your children ready for a dental visit:

  1. Regularly brush your child’s teeth - Get you child used to dental care by regularly brushing his teeth. Using of soft bristled brushed can remove plaque while stimulating your child’s gums. Use a mild toothpaste that is specifically formulated for young children.
  2. Check your child’s mouth daily - Take time daily to check the inside of your child’s mouth. Talk to him about his teeth and count them. Make it a fun experience for him. Use a mirror to show him his teeth after a cleaning so he can appreciate how sparkling white they are.
  3. Be patient and reassure your child - Should your child show any anxiety or fear over dental check-ups, offer him some reassurance. Remain patient with him. Remember to make this an enjoyable experience for everyone. Holding your child on your lap during the visit might help too.
  4. Talk to your children about dental check-ups - It is important to discuss possible treatments your children might have. They need to know what to expect. To maintain proper dental health, schedule routine check-up every six months.
  5. Call the dentist before scheduling your first appointment - As soon as you have chosen your child’s dentist, call and ask questions about the practice and the dentist’s style. Ask for a rundown of what your child can expect during the visit. Don’t make your dental visit experiences a basis for what will happen during your kid’s dental check-up.
  6. Visit the dentist’s office before the first dental appointment - Ask the dental staff to schedule you for a tour, preferably a week before your child’s scheduled dental check-up. This will make you both feel more comfortable with the new environment.
  7. Prepare your child for a short visit to the dentist - Try not to over-emphasize your child’s upcoming dental visit. It will just prolong anxiety for everyone. Gently remind your child the day before and the very day of his visit. This first visit will be short. Proper dental care and the overall condition of your kid’s teeth are the primary things to be discussed.
  8. Discuss possible future treatments your child may need - It is important to be honest with your child about other possible treatments. A simple cleaning and regular dental exams are not involve pain and are easy to discuss with children. However, when there is a need for further treatments that imposes pain, make sure to honestly tell your child the realistic expectations involved.

1 comment:

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